Supply Orders-DECEMBER-2019

Supply Orders for the Month of December-2019

1 02/12/2019 11000130119175 Supply of Tooth Point and Adopter set for 24/96 Dragline VIEW
2 02/12/2019 11000131719176 Supply of Wire Ropes VIEW
3 02/12/2019 11000820819177 Supply of X Ray View Box VIEW
4 02/12/2019 11000820819178 Supply of Instrument Trolly VIEW
5 03/12/2019 21000130119179 Supply of Spares for REL make C-650 Drill (PSC Item) VIEW
6 04/12/2019 21000116219180 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Digital EPABX System VIEW
7 04/12/2019 11100120819181 Supply of Switch Board/ Distribution Board Panel VIEW
8 05/12/2019 11100730119182 Supply of Tooth Point set for 20/90 Dragline VIEW
9 06/12/2019 11100131719183 Supply of Wire Ropes VIEW
10 06/12/2019 11100131819184 Supply of Conveyor Roller Pipes VIEW
11 07/12/2019 12000931619185 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
12 10/12/2019 21000818719186 Supply of Multifunction Machines VIEW
13 11/12/2019 11100818519187 Supply of Hot Air Oven VIEW
14 12/12/2019 11000813918188 Supply of Honda City Cars VIEW
15 13/12/2019 12000931619189 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
16 13/12/2019 12000931619190 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
17 13/12/209 12100530819191 Supply of Mining Timber VIEW
18 14/12/2019 11000131319192 Supply of OTR Tyres, Tubes & Fpals/ O Rings VIEW
19 14/12/2019 21000131319193 Supply of OTR Tyres, Tubes & Flaps/ O Rings VIEW
20 16/12/2019 21000818519194 Supply of Oxyzen Contentrator VIEW
21 17/12/2019 11000817719195 Supply of portable Dry chemical Powder Stored Pressure Fire Extenguisher VIEW
22 20/12/2019 11100130119196 Supply of Spares for 24/96 Dragline VIEW
23 21/12/2019 12000110319197 Supply of Hydraulic Excavator VIEW
24 23/12/2019 11000110519198 Supply of Mobile Crane 30 T VIEW
25 26/12/2019 12100530819199 Supply of Mining Timber VIEW
26 27/12/2019 21000829819200 Supply of Medical Stool or chairs VIEW
27 27/12/2019 21000818719201 Supply of Computer Printer VIEW
28 27/12/2019 11100131519202 Supply of Flexible Trailing Cable VIEW
29 27/12/2019 11000814919203 Supply of Refrigators VIEW
30 28/12/2019 12000110119204 Supply of 60 T Dumpers with 1+2 years guaranteed spares VIEW
31 28/12/2019 21000110119205 Supply of 60 T Dumpers with 1+2 years guaranteed spares VIEW
32 27/12/2019 21000814919206 Supply of Table/ Wall Mount/ Ceiling Mount Fan VIEW