Supply Orders for the Month of October-2020

1 03/10/2020 12100530820133 Supply of Mining Timber VIEW
2 03/10/2020 12100530820134 Supply of Mining Timber VIEW
3 03/10/2020 12000430120135 Supply of spares for BE-300 Hyd. Excavator VIEW
4 08/10/2020 11100132420136 Supply of Drill Rods for HEMM VIEW
5 08/10/2020 21000131820137 Supply of Seamless Pipes VIEW
6 09/10/2020 11100131520138 Supply of 1.1 KV Lighting Cable VIEW
7 09/10/2020 11100131520139 Supply of 1.1 KV Lighting Cable VIEW
8 12/10/2020 11000112520140 Supply of Belt Conveyors VIEW
9 13/10/2020 21000920820141 Supply of Apple IPAD 8th Gen wifi+Cellular 128GB VIEW
10 14/10/2020 12000931620142 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
11 15/10/2020 12100530820143 Supply of Mining Timber VIEW
12 16/10/2020 21000430120144 Supply of Spares for CAT 50/60 T Dumpers VIEW
13 16/10/2020 11100132420145 Supply of Miners Safety Helmets VIEW
14 17/10/2020 12000110920146 Supply of 280 HP Motor Graders VIEW
15 19/10/2020 11100130120147 Supply of Chain Drive Crawler Kit ( complete Set) for REL C650D Drill) VIEW
16 22/10/2020 12000110920148 Supply of 28 KL Water Sprinklers VIEW
17 22/10/2020 12000430120149 Supply of spares for BEML D-155 Dozer (OPM Cat. Items) VIEW
18 23/10/2020 11100052082150 Supply of Shunt Capacitors VIEW
19 26/10/2020 11100120820151 Supply of Lighting Transformers VIEW
20 26/10/2020 12000931620152 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
21 28/10/2020 12000931620153 Supply of Tooth Point Set for ESH 20/90 D/line VIEW
22 29/10/2020 21000820820154 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
23 29/10/2020 21000820820155 Supply of Project Screen Stand VIEW
24 29/10/2020 21000820820156 Supply of office Suite Software VIEW
25 29/10/2020 21000820820157 Supply of Multimedia Projector VIEW
26 29/10/2020 21000832420158 Supply of Laptop Notebook VIEW
27 29/10/2020 21000820820159 Supply of GPS Tracking Systems VIEW
28 29/10/2020 21000820820160 Supply of Netw3orking/ Server Rack VIEW